this is the first year i've been a chair (or project manager, as it's known in corporate america) on the action committee side of things. this means that i make sure work gets done among my five coordinators (all fab, of course!), offer support to them and others in national leadership throughout the year on issues of policy & programming, and represent GHAC at-large on the AC Executive Committee. it's a big job, and i'm happy to fill it, although i did waver back and forth on whether to run from abroad quite a bit. (thanks to chris for listening to me do this and continuing to bear the brunt of my vacillation on all things AMSA). overall, i LOVE AMSA and think it's really super awesome, but sometimes it's difficult to keep things in perspective while also being a fourth year med student, wife, daughter, and friend, among other things.
june meeting was AMAZING in a lot of ways. i finally got to meet my committee and run my first meeting as ghac chair. i think i did the best job i could, but know there's a lot of room for improvement, and really need to work on following-up with people to make sure deadlines get met. the best thing about committee time is that i think that our committee really bonded together and that we gained an appreciation for each other not just as friends, but al
Hi everyone! Thanks for coming to GHAC org time, whether it’s to run for a national position, support a friend that’s running, or just to check things out. I really appreciate all of you being here, especially since it’s near the end of conference, and you all must be exhausted from speakers, workshops, meeting new people, and hopefully, being inspired by fellow students and activists. I’m really sad that I can’t be there in person today (this is the first conference I haven’t been to since 2004!), but my thoughts are all with you from
My name is Tanya Wansom and I attended my first national conference three years ago, ran for the HIV/AIDS coordinator position, and never looked back. I’ve been involved with GHAC for the past three years as a coordinator for two years and an editor for Global Pulse this past year. AMSA has given me a lot of opportunities to grow – as a leader, an activist, and a community organizer – and I’m excited at the prospect of running for GHAC Chair, where I can support the future generation of AMSA leadership using my past national experience and also make sure that the general membership keeps getting more involved.
As chair, my main duties are to support my coordinators, represent GHAC to the larger national AMSA leadership (including the president, Board of Trustees, and other AC committees), and make sure the general membership at large knows what’s going on and how to get involved. I’d like to bring back general GHAC monthly newsletters on the listserv and look into starting an AMSA GHAC blog where everyone can post articles on different topics and activities that are going on in different regions. Also, I’d focus on institutionalizing many of the liaison positions we have with other professional global health organizations (and expanding them) to make sure there were more opportunities for students to study, work, and find mentors abroad. Most importantly, I’m happy to hear about what you – as a GHAC member – would like to see GHAC working on or doing in the coming year.
anyway, besides being a lame-o at amsa meeting & riding the grandma bus home early after actually going out to washington, dc, i was really happy to meet new AMSA peeps and reconnect with old ones. i really like the group of people im working with on AC Exec this year and feel loved and supported by most of them. i also got to see some of my old fave peoples (albeit briefly) at June meeting including Casey (RT), Davekumar, and Kevin Burns. being back into the AMSA swing of things has helped me readjust to my life back in the US and given me a place to channel a lot of my energy and enthusiasm for the year. it's also been a source of some (good and bad) stress, namely in the forms of trying to set up basecamp (this online networking tool) for my committee and also as a last-minute invite to speak at the US Social Forum in Atlanta this coming up week. I'm totally honored to be asked to be one of the AMSA reps at the USSF, but it was really stressful to buy a ticket, find a hotel room at the last minute, etc. In any case, I'm excited to participate in the International People's Health University, a four-day short course on health justice and organizing, and to speak at an Access to Medicines panel at the conference itself. I will also be meeting up with fabulous AMSA peeps Dan Murphy (now the legislative affairs director), Anjali Taneja, Kevin Burns, and Catherine Jones. Hopefully I won't have as many problems getting to Atlanta as I did going to Philly & DC on earlier trips this month.